Small Events, Big Ideas

Meet other young local owners, operators, and outliers to move your business forward

Our Services

Invite-only events so you can actually make quality connections

Big, open networking events are great, but the self-employed lifestyle is so different from the 9-5. We focus on smaller events- often less than 20 people- that focus on quality connections.


Our skills are the main reasons why clients choose us

1 %
Business Development
1 %
Idea Innovation
1 %
Investment Analysis

Gurus offers full range of consultancy & training methods for data analysis, business consul tation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod.

1 k+
Customers are served behind the digital marketing

Gurus offers full range of consultancy & training for data consultation strategic ways for business.


Have a Look on Zurick’s amazing Experience

Gurus offers full range of consultancy and training for data consultation strategic ways for business consul and training methods for data consultation.







1 k+
Business Project Completed
1 +
Total Expert Employees
1 +
Global Prestigious Awards
1 +
Business Project Completed

We are building great future Together, Be with us

We have an open application process, and typically look for folks in the early to mid stage of building their business. Think more solopreneur than executive with a team of 50. 

There aren't hard or fast rules per-se, but members generally:
- Are self employed, and rely on either a Schedule-C or W2 from a company they own as their main source of income
-Provide an active product or service that they market and sell (vs early-stage research)
-Are in their mid-20s to 30-something, and live within the Boston transit system
Application Process
25 years ago, to create an exceptional milestone in the business world, we have created Gurus as an one stop solution for the business enthusiast. In all those years we have give most importance to create a healthy business culture
Application Process
25 years ago, to create an exceptional milestone in the business world, we have created Gurus as an one stop solution for the business enthusiast. In all those years we have give most importance to create a healthy business culture




Words of appreciation By our amazing clients

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    Contact Info

    Mon - Frd : 8:00 -16:00
    +020.098.456 11

    Office Address

    28 Valencia Street, New York United States of America